Thursday, November 4, 2010

In Search of Rhythm

In Search of Rhythm 
Loose rhythm and you loose life.
Tomorrow’s coming
Forty years or so search’n for rhythm
Tomorrow’s coming
One of those days that change us
Like the death of a newborn
In a far away place
Tomorrow’s coming
There was a day, I didn’t know
Now, don’t forget
Tomorrow’s coming
My heart’s a’beaten
I need your love
Like a rhythm unbroken
They need your love

Dear Friends,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  In these brief ten days, I have experienced fear, confusion, compassion, grace, exhilaration, love and much more.  More than once, my eyes have swelled tears - not only for fear - for the thought of those who don’t have this support.  I can’t imagine the fear and loneliness of facing any serious physical condition alone.  Anne, Michael, Megan, Katherine, and Tucker have felt so very close.  You, friends have have boosted my resolve, confidence and sense of humanity, a humanity that can effect magnificent change.  
I don’t understand the equations Green’s “String” nor the sequences of genetic code, but this process, deciding the fate of my heart, receiving encouragement from you, confirms more than ever to me that we are all, all of humanity connected by a force far far beyond my - our nascent understanding.  I marvel at the surgeons skill, but so much “risk” remains, so much we don’t understand.  There is so much we don’t know.  I can only hope and pray and ask for prayer that the surgeon’s skill is adequate.
A few years ago, a few friends, David Gentile, Anthony and Cathy Cordle visited us from Africa.  David described that in the bush, far away from the skill of an experienced physician, one isn’t endowed with the option to believe in the “almighty pill”, that person only possesses mere option to believe in God.  Does God use pills, apparently so, but I’m no expert; is love apart of the healing process, yes, and part of the death process also.  Folks, the world seems to be torn asunder by religion today, but this isn’t a new battle.  I have experienced a personal battle, and I have been armed by love to face the enemy.  My heart is strong, my will is strong, the rest is in God’s hands.... and His nurses and doctors.
With great love and fondness,

1 comment:

  1. Lynda and I are glad you are doing so well. We have been praying for you. A few years ago the test you had on your carotid arteries wa administered to me and found 95% and 85% blockages which were subsequently repaired perfectly. Aren't we men blessed by God? Love to both of you from both of us. Johnny McConnell
