Monday, November 15, 2010


During recovery, a nights sleep has been the most difficult conflict.  I write conflict because as the night approaches, I am almost apprehensive about facing insomnia resulting from the inability to achieve a comfortable sleeping position.  Like many of the simple, routine activities of daily life, sleep is desired, yet night is dreaded.  Sleep was often one of those activities I take for granted.  Others, like shaving (painful to lift arms and I can't lean on the sink edge), walking (I must pay closer attention so as to not slip or become too winded), phone conversation (enjoyable, but many times, I am tired and it contributes to a stiff neck), work (I love to work, particularly right now, with great people who are driven by vision and purpose), I appreciate much more.

I guess my point is that sleep contributes overall to health and its something many of us take for granted.  I returned to see my cardiologist, Dr. Nishan today.  My recovery is going well.  Next, I will have a sonogram of my heart this Friday to verify no fluid collection around my heart.

This sleep difficulty reminds me that I want to acknowledge the small blessings of life as well as the specific blessings that have saved my life: Dr. Nishan moving aggressively and working with his partner Dr. Cooper to identify my condition and get me scheduled for surgery; my friend and neighbor Dr. Gerhardt who really seems to have surgically fixed me in, at least to me, an amazing way; Nurse Portia Payne, who I will forever envision as an angel carrying me from the hell of pain, fear, and misery while in ICU.

So, I am writing this both for that person who is or has or will encountered this and for myself.  After two weeks of near insomnia, this too will pass. Someday soon, I will, once again, be back in a comfy bed for a full 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

Because I love U2's Unforgettable Fire disk, I'll leave you with a great lyric:


Sleep, sleep tonight
And may your dreams be realised
If the thundercloud passes rain
So let it rain - rain down on him
So let it be - so let it be

Sleep, sleep tonight
And may your dreams be realised
If the thundercloud passes rain
So let it rain
Let it rain - rain on him
--Bono and U2

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